Welcome to the french blind football website

The blind fooball in France : news and development of the discipline, French championship and international competitions with French teams

World Grand Prix france 2022 – From August 28th to September 3rd 2022

Upcoming games

B1 World Grand Prix France – tableau principal
28-08-2022 location
B1 World Grand Prix France – tableau principal
28-08-2022 location
B1 World Grand Prix France – tableau principal
29-08-2022 location
B1 World Grand Prix France – tableau principal
29-08-2022 location

Informations and order of play here

This website is dedicated to the adaptation of soccer for visually impaired people : “cécifoot” in french ; blind football in English.
This sport, recognized as a Paralympic discipline, is in full expansion throughout the world. Here you will find all the information on how to play it in France and in international competitions in which French players are involved.

How does a blind football match take place ? Where can I watch a match for the visually impaired (B2/B3) or blind players (B1) ? Ranking and calendar of championships.
The French teams and their evolution in the world

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Upcoming events

2021 national championships

The schedule is under development for B1 and B2/B3 categories due to the evolving health crisis.

International competitions

Les joueurs de l'équipe de France de cécifoot 🇫🇷 sélectionnés pour participer aux Jeux Paralympique#Paris2024s2024 👍 Allez les Bleus ! 🇫🇷 ⤵️ ... See MoreSee Less
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e-mail : contact@cecifoot-france.fr

Or you can use this contact form : here

French Football Federation : www.fff.fr
International Blind Sport Association : www.ibsasport.org

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